
Thanks for stopping by! For my first blog post, I wanted to take a minute to tell you a little about myself and Sustainable Transformation Health Coaching in a little more detail. So here is a little about myself and what I hope to offer…

 I grew up in a small town in South Carolina and honestly love the rural life. I was homeschooled for most of my elementary, middle, and high school education and thoroughly enjoyed the flexibility that offered. I knew from an early age that I wanted to become a nurse so I attended nursing school right after my graduation from high school. By the time I was 21, I was an RN. I have always loved missions so before beginning my first job, I spent the summer in a small village working in a medical clinic in Belize. It was one of the best experiences of my life! It proved to provide opportunities for personal and spiritual growth as well as throwing me in to learning how to be a nurse in the real world.

Medical missions in Belize after becoming a nurse

My life developed quickly after arriving home from Belize. I always had an interest in long term care, so that is where I landed for my first job in the states. I got married and then moved on to another position at another facility. I worked in long term care for several years and moved up to the Director of Nursing position at a facility until I had my second child. At that point, I began working part time for Hospice so that I could be home with my children more. Then we decided to homeschool our children. That decision caused a pause in my career.

Through the pause, I had opportunities to volunteer in women’s health and children’s camps and loved every minute. I also had opportunities to care for family members who needed help through medical issues, and then there was a medical dilemma of my own.


Striving to build my health back in 2016 after dealing with symptoms of fatigue, anxiety, panic attacks, and aches as well as being underweight after thyroid surgery.

In 2016 I was diagnosed with a large thyroid mass. I underwent biopsies and test and ultimately had to have the right side of my thyroid removed. After waiting for a period of 2 months with biopsies and test that were not conclusive, we finally were told it was benign. That was not the end of my struggles. In my recovery, I began having a slew of other symptoms such as panic attacks, body temperature imbalances, achy joints, and heart palpitations. My thyroid levels and tests were always normal, so I was left to deal with the symptoms. That set me on a path of research. Through my research, I decided on some lifestyle changes and supplements that gave me my life back. The realizations I got during this situation, along with a growing passion for prevention and to help others achieve their best health, set me on a path to become a certified health coach.

As I went through my classes and the material for the coaching certification, I began thinking about how I wanted my style of coaching to look. When I went through my health struggles, I had to choose lifestyle changes that I could maintain with the life that I live. That meant picking things that I could manage while we were traveling with our daughter for softball. Deciding how I would manage eating on the go and staying active while chauffeuring kiddos from one place to the next. I needed things that were SUSTAINABLE. That is my hope for the services that I provide. I want to help you explore the options for lifestyle changes that are sustainable for your way of life. During my coaching sessions, you are in the driver’s seat. You get to set the priorities and your goals while I give you information and help you see the choices on how to attain those goals. If you are here, you are probably realizing that your life is in need of some changes so a transformation is in order. I want you to be able to maintain that change…Hence the name SUSTAINABLE TRANSFORMATION.

Together Change is Possible!

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