Here we are at the end of another year. I like to spend time in reflection before the beginning of the new year. Some questions that I consider are, “What was good this year? How did I grow? What are things that I accomplished? Did I learn new things this year? What was hard, and what challenges did I overcome? How do I want to change in the next year? What do I want to accomplish?” Spending time in reflection and answering those questions helps me move forward in the coming year with direction and intent.

Resolutions vs. Goals
That brings up the topic of new year’s resolutions. Honestly, I am not a new year’s resolution person. In the past, I would make this grand list of all my new year’s resolutions. Within weeks they would be kicked to the curb, and I would be frustrated. What I have found is that I am a goal -oriented person. We use the terms resolution and goals interchangeably sometimes. However, they have their differences.
What's the difference?
A resolution is “a firm decision to do or not to do something.” It is “the quality of being determined or resolute.” Both goals and resolutions require change. The difference is in how that change is made. A resolution is a decision that is meant to be kept. Normally a resolution will require more effort because it is a big change that is meant to be kept over a long period of time.
The definition of a goal is “the object of a person’s ambition or effort; an aim or desired result.” Like resolutions, a goal requires change to achieve the desired result. A goal is based on a target and hitting that result. Therefore, a goal has an end point that is not seen in a resolution. A goal also involves steps. Many times, there is a long-term goal that is able to be broken down into attainable small goals. Those small goals can be broken down into steps. In having steps and small goals to reach the long-term goals, it makes the process feel more do-able.
As we finish out 2022, I encourage you to take time and reflect. What was good, and what was bad? Were there wins? How did you overcome your challenges and what do you want to achieve in 2023? Remember to be kind to yourself in this process. Life is a process of learning and growing. As we reflect, we will find things that we want to do differently in the future, but that does not mean that we beat ourselves up for mistakes in the past. We acknowledge them, accept them, and let them help us grow. We cannot move forward if we stay stuck in the past.

Do you have health and wellness goals that you want to meet in 2023? I am excited about the possibilities of new courses and groups that will be offered here to assist you in meeting your goals. For starters, I have a new free tool to assist you in assessing your readiness for change and helping you set wellness goals. My free E-book Grit is now available! Also, the Stress Relief Strategies Self-Paced Program is still available at a discounted price of $19. Both the course and E-book can be found on the Courses Page. The E-book is also available to download on the freebies page. Sign up below for the password. I look forward to the coming year and meeting our goals! Together Change is Possible!
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