Unoffendable? How Would That Look?

On Friday morning I sat in my chair having my quiet time as usual. All week I had contemplated attending an 8 a.m. yoga class. I pulled out my planner to schedule my day. Then thought, “Maybe I’ll just wait until next week to give the class a try.” There is a reason that I only practice yoga at home. Flexibility is not my thing. I run, practice karate, and do incorporate yoga into my life. It is just practiced in the privacy of my home. Why was I being so self-conscious about going to a yoga studio? For almost 3 years now I have gone to karate classes. Now, here I was struggling again to make a move to go outside of my comfort zone. 

Thought Error

The truth is, I had a thought error. I was being too concerned with what other people would think of me. If they thought ill of me, I could run the risk of being offended and hurt. I have been hurt by others in the past, and I DO NOT like it. I think we all try to avoid hurt in our own ways. For those of us that may be more sensitive, we tend to be more protective. We avoid putting ourselves in uncomfortable situations. The problem with that mindset is, failing to place ourselves in uncomfortable situations hinders our ability to grow and change. 

Unoffendable Defined

As I considered my thought process, my mind drifted to a training session on having an unoffendable heart. What does it mean to be unoffendable? We have to look at what it means to offend in order to better understand. The definition from Merriam- Webster that I’m referring to is, “to cause (a person or group) to feel hurt, angry, or upset by something said or done.” Therefore, having an unoffendable heart would mean that we would not be hurt, angry, or upset by things said or done because we would not take those words or actions to heart. Now, I need to clarify that I am not talking about major things here. There are words and actions that can cause great harm to others and be detrimental. Those things have to be dealt with through boundaries, therapy and counseling, and legal action where warranted. Here, however, I am referring to day to day differences and opinions that impact relationships. 

Qualities of an Unoffendable Heart

As my thoughts continued, I considered how my life would look if I took the approach of having an unoffendable heart. Some of the characteristics that would define someone who was unoffendable are confidence, boldness, love, service, forgiveness, and authenticity. All of these are qualities that I think each of us would like to see in ourselves. So how do we get there?

Baby Steps

To me, the path to an unoffendable heart is going to be one of baby steps. It will be about taking calculated risks, putting myself in places where I might be vulnerable, and stepping outside of my comfort zone. It will be about not taking comments, actions, or lack of actions personally. The fact is, many times offense to something is taken, when in reality, nothing was meant by what was said, done, or left undone. It will be about managing my thoughts about situations. 

Releasing Fear

I did make it to that yoga class on Friday, and I enjoyed it! I was met with positive energy and definitely plan to incorporate going regularly. It may just be my new Friday morning routine! Living with an unoffendable heart also means less fear. Had fear of the unknown been allowed to dictate my life last Friday, I would have missed out on the cutest yoga studio, positive energy, an awesome session, and meeting new people. Fear makes us miss out on some of the blessings and positive experiences that life has to offer.  


Is fear something that holds you back? Do you want to live a more confident life characterized by boldness? I am right there with you. To be honest, part of what is the driving force behind me trying new things and putting myself out there is you! How can I ask you to reach out to me for help achieving a healthy lifestyle and open up to me, if I am not willing to be vulnerable myself. My goal is to be authentic and approachable. I do not have it all together, and that is why I share what I am learning here on this blog. Life is about learning and growing. Will you grow with me? 

Together We Can

Please reach out to me if you are looking for someone who cares to support and encourage you in your health journey. My approach is individualized based on your needs and what will work for you. I offer a free consultation call to see if I feel that I can help you meet your goals and to determine if we are a good fit. Together Change is Possible. Will you allow me to help you begin that process today?

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