The Battle is in the Mind

The quote was brought up quite often when I was growing up. My parents had picked it up from a pastor at the Bible school that my dad attended. “The Battle is in the mind.” It is a phrase that has stayed with me all these years and every day seems more true. 

Thoughts and Actions

As you can tell from many of my posts, I firmly believe in positive mindset. Controlling my thoughts, however, is not always an easy task. This became more real to me when I had the opportunity to learn from a very well-respected life coach. Most of the training was summed up in the idea that our thoughts create our actions and thereby influence our results. As I have thought about that concept, I realize how true it is!

Thoughts and Feelings

So many thoughts affect how we feel about things. Maybe the scales are not budging or the number even goes up. Frustration and discouragement can creep in and influence whether we continue on the plan or give up. It all matters how we process our feelings. What about that tough workout that did not feel good, left you sore, and your performance was less than you expected. You worked hard, but came away feeling disheartened. Again, how we think about that session will dictate how we proceed. Lifestyle changes to incorporate healthy habits is another area where our feelings can derail us if we allow them. We might splurge on the ice cream, pick up the cigarette again, or skip our workout session. Then we beat ourselves up mentally for those actions not realizing that we are actually doing ourselves harm. 

Combating the Negative

How do we combat the negative thoughts that creep in our minds? I think one of the first things that we need to acknowledge is, we are not perfect. Not only that, but we also need to accept that being imperfect is OK. Each one of us was made for a purpose. We are not all going to be alike or good at the same things. That in itself is a blessing. How bland and unproductive would life be if we all were the same. There is so much freedom in allowing everyone, including ourselves, to grow and be efficient at the things that we were meant to be good at and release the rest. We should not feel that we are in competition with one another. We can learn from one another and compliment each other. 

Gratitude, Affirmations, and Replacement

Focusing on gratitude is another area that helps control our thoughts. When we focus on what we are grateful for, it leaves no place for negativity. That concept goes in line with the next idea. Replacing negative thoughts with positive thoughts. Here is where the battle comes in. We have to be aware of our thoughts in order to replace negative thoughts with positive. It does take a conscious effort. Daily affirmations can be a huge help here. It really is worth the effort to acknowledge our imperfections, express gratitude, be mindful of our thoughts, and replace the negative with positive. 

Influence of Faith

Faith in Christ is a huge part of my life and often helps me when it comes to my thoughts. The verse that was the focal point in my Bible study homework served as a needed reminder for me today. In closing, I will leave you with this thought from Colossians 3:2, “Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.” Training our minds to not focus on the negative but on truth, what is good, and the big picture, will allow us to move forward. 

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