Would life look differently if we put as much effort into our health as we put into beauty? I have thought about different thoughts, opinions, and pressures put on us by society so this topic has been on my mind recently.

How We Feel Drives Action
It is not a secret that looks are important in our society. We want to look good and be accepted by those around us. Many times, it is how we look or feel about ourselves that drives us to diet and exercise. We do not exercise because we love our bodies and want the best for it. Oftentimes, it is because we hate our bodies. What if we changed that focus? How would that affect us as women and affect our daughters?
Affects of Stress
We live in a society that breeds stress, not only for adults but also for our children and teens. There is a constant desire to fit in to the “norm.” Many times, however, that norm may not be healthy for us mentally or physically. Adults and children are battling depression, anxiety, eating disorders, struggling with confidence, and dealing with health issues. Some of these things may be prevented with healthier lifestyle choices. We have come to believe that bloating, digestive disturbances, headaches, acne, aches and pains, and other symptoms people experience are just part of getting older when not related to a specific diagnosis.
Another Mindset
What if there was another mindset that offered hope and encouragement? Would you be interested? You may have noticed that I am making a small shift in the content that I am providing on my website and social media. That is because I see a need and have a passion to change the way we see beauty. I believe that every person that walks the face of this earth has a purpose. I want you to see yourself as beautiful, and I want you to be able to thrive. I am not saying that life is easy, and there are certainly challenges that we have to work through. However, I am saying that finding sustainable healthy habits can provide hope in improving both physical and mental health.
Health as Beauty?
What if we thought of health the way we think of beauty? I think we would choose healthier habits, not because we had to, but because we wanted to. Then we may find ourselves thriving instead of just surviving.
What to Expect
As I make changes to my content to focus primarily on helping mothers and grandmothers implement healthy habits into family life, here are a few topics you can expect regularly on social media–
- Mondays will be mostly about motivation. You will find motivational quotes, questions, and inspiration for your week.
- Tuesdays will be geared toward food and tasty recipes that my family has enjoyed.
- Wednesdays will be all about wellness, and there will be information on topics from healthy habits to benefits of specific foods to supplements.
- Of course, Thursdays here are all about thanksgiving and gratitude because of the benefits it has on our mental health.
- Fridays will be about fitness, and you will find encouragement, inspiration, and tips on incorporating fitness into a busy life.
I hope that you will find the information helpful, and please never hesitate to reach out if you have questions or are interested in any of the services Sustainable Coaching offers.