The topic of last week’s blog was finding beauty in heath. That can raise some questions about health. The first question that may come to mind is, “What is the definition of health?” Another question is, “How do we obtain it?” Today’s post will touch on those two questions.
The Definition of Health
You may get a wide array of answers if you ask someone what the definition of health is. Merriam-Webster defines health as “the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit” and “a condition in which someone or something is thriving or doing well.” According to these definitions, there are several aspects of health. It does not just refer to our physical bodily functions. Our whole body is interconnected; therefore, health encompasses the body, the mind, and the spirit. It also refers to thriving in body, mind, and spirit.
How often do we refer to ourselves as thriving? My guess would be not very often. We live in a society where it is hard to thrive with the pressures of keeping up. Being overstressed, exhausted, lacking in nutrients, and limited movement are quite common as everyone has to keep up with deadlines, provide for a family, and try to make sure everyone gets where they need to be. It is difficult to feel like you are thriving in these conditions.

Basic Habits
So, what is the answer? How do we obtain health and thrive? The answer will be individual because we all have different qualities and characteristics. The good news is, there are a few basic habits that can be implemented into daily life that can help individuals thrive. These basic habits are hydration, getting the proper nutrients, active movement, the right amount of sleep, and managing stress.

Today, it is only about the basics of these daily habits. However, over the next weeks and months, more detail will be directed to how these habits can be maintained in the hectic daily lives we lead. First, the topic of hydration. It is vital that our bodies get the water that it needs to function properly. We often associate water with the kidneys, but it is vital for every part of our bodies including the brain. Many experts recommend a general rule of half of your body weight in ounces is the amount of water you should be drinking each day.
Proper Nutrients
Next, getting proper nutrients is essential for our bodies to thrive. The nutrients that our bodies need is found in fruits, vegetables, lean meats, healthy fats, and grains. The truth is, in the average American diet, many nutrients that our bodies need are missing. The majority of people do not get the recommended servings of fruits and veggies. When we do, there can still be missing nutrients because of depleted soil and preparation/ preservation practices. Simple practices that can help ensure the proper nutrients are obtained are keeping fresh fruits and vegetables on hand as quick snacks or side dishes. Another idea is supplementation. This topic will be discussed in detail in the near future.
Daily Active Movement
Daily active movement is another way to improve health. It can be difficult for those whose job requires long hours of sitting to get in movement. Sometimes breaking the movement down into smaller increments of time makes it more manageable. Walking is a form of exercise that sometimes gets downplayed. However, it really does have some major benefits to our health. Do what you can, when you can, and celebrate the small wins.
Stress Management and Sleep
Managing stress and sleeping the recommended amount of time can go hand in hand. This blog often deals with topics of mindset and mental health. That is because our mindset has such a big influence on our health. Stress and exhaustion hinder us from thriving both in our minds and our bodies. Deep breathing, gratitude journaling, daily movement, being in nature, and sleeping 7 hours each night can have a huge positive impact on our health.
Today’s discussion has been on the basics. These topics, along with others, will be visited in more detail in the near future as we strive to lead our families in a healthier lifestyle so that we can live a life of thriving. If you have not followed me on Instagram or Facebook, hop on over for motivation, health tips, fun facts, updates, and previews of how I incorporate healthy habits into my day.