Finding Health in Seasons of Life

This morning I looked at my breakfast and remembered a time. There are seasons in life. Some seasons seem to be full of blessings, some seasons seem extremely busy, some seasons seem full of struggles, and others seem more balanced. I think when it comes to our health and fitness, it is important to be mindful of these seasons in life. 

Remembering Seasons

My breakfast this morning consisted of blueberries, fresh local strawberries, and a delicious chocolate zucchini muffin from Lowcountry Meal Prep along with my Lean protein shake. As I ate, I remembered back when I would contemplate whether I could spend $12 for the fresh strawberries at that time, when a meal prep service would have been out of the question, and the protein powder I could afford was what was most inexpensive. That was our season. We had chosen to be a one income family so that I could homeschool our children.

What That Season Looked Like

Other than salads, our veggies were usually canned or frozen, and they certainly were not organic. Meat was normally what was on sale or venison. We still tried to maintain a pretty well-balanced diet, but it was on a budget. We made it work, and it was all okay. We spent lots of time outdoors and being active, and we enjoyed the flexibility of being a homeschooling family. 

Another Season

In another season, life was on the go! We spent lots of time traveling to homeschool co-op classes, softball games, private lessons, and the karate studio. Many of those places were out of town for us, and having healthy eating options meant planning ahead to try to avoid fast food or the canteen. That season meant being creative with some of our meals, and giving myself grace when we did have to hit the drive thru. 

All or Nothing

Sometimes we put entirely too much pressure on ourselves when it comes to healthy choices and habits. This can lead to an “all or nothing” mentality. We think that if we cannot do it perfectly, why even try. The truth is that even small things can make a big difference. We do not have to have fresh organic fruits and vegetables or the most expensive supplements to make a difference in our health. We do not have to have the latest home workout equipment or a gym membership to get fit. 

Take Charge

That is the beauty of taking charge of your own health. You get to decide what fits in your budget and your lifestyle. You get to decide the changes that are maintainable for you and your family’s needs. There are changes that can lead to a healthy and happy life even in seasons of stress and financial struggles. Our mindset and willingness to implement small doable changes is the key.

Need Help?

Working toward healthy habits can be overwhelming. Sometimes we do not know where to start, and having someone walk that path with us can be beneficial. Whatever season you are in, there are some ways that my services can benefit you.

  • First of all, I strive to provide helpful information here on this blog and my social media platforms. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instragram for helpful tips and information.  I am always willing to answer questions through direct message and email. 
  • I also have a free challenge community on Facebook. This group is to provide motivation and support as we strive to incorporate healthy habits into our lives. Our next challenge begins May 1 and is all about our core!
  • Have you found my free E-book? This is another free tool that can help direct you toward sustainable change. Sign up for my newsletter (it only comes out a few times per month, so no worries that I will overwhelm your inbox), and you will be sent the password to my freebies page where you can download the E-book GRIT. 
  • Private and Group coaching is another area where I can provide encouragement and support. You can check out my services page for more information. My summer schedule is getting busy, so be sure to contact me to secure a spot. 
  • Lastly, if you are interested in natural supplements to support you in your health journey, I am affiliated with a health and happiness company called Plexus. Anyone who orders through my link will get me as their encourager and supporter on their journey as they support their health with these products. I am always willing to help you choose the products that may benefit you and walk you through the ordering process as well as staying in contact with you throughout your journey with these products, so please do not hesitate to contact me. 

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