Healthy Thoughts Through Life Seasons

Life seasons have been on my mind a lot lately because life has changed a good bit for my family in the past year. In my last post, I touched on finding health in different life seasons. Today, I’m diving into our thoughts. 

Time Flies

Our thoughts impact how we respond in life. Yesterday I had the opportunity to sit and watch my children at the beach. They are 16 and 18 years old now. Which means now they do not require the constant eye of their mother to make sure they are safe at the beach. My mind did wander to those early years of building sandcastles and making sure I was close by to protect them from any danger. Somehow those long days of meeting the needs of everyone in the family flew by. Now, here I am with two teenagers who are becoming more and more independent each day. 

Loss of Control

I cherish the memories and all the family time that we enjoyed when our children were young. We certainly made the most of family vacations because they did not happen frequently. When softball became a part of life, vacations revolved around the softball field. However, we still made the most of it and found fun things to do along the way. Now, here I am with children growing up before my eyes. It is exciting but scary. It is hard to let our children go as they grow in their own opinions, beliefs, and become their own person. There is a loss of control that we may feel that is uncomfortable. 

Guarding Thoughts

It is essential that we guard our thoughts and expectations as our children grow, and we move on to another phase of life. In a season of transitions for both our children and us, our thoughts will not only impact our lives, but can impact the lives of our children. For me, I want to guard my heart against fear. Yes, I am a parent, so worry and concern is going to happen. However, I do not want it to control my thoughts. I want to learn and grow as my children learn and grow. Also, I want to learn how to be the mom of adult children. To be the person they can bounce ideas off of and one who is approachable. My desire is to grow so that I can be someone who they can still learn from, and I want to learn so that I can stay relevant to the world that they live in. 

Ideas for a Positive Mindset

As a Christian, I have heard verses from the Bible speak to guarding our heart and our minds. I think it shows the importance of our mind and the thoughts that we think. What we put in and choose to dwell on will impact how we act. I want to share a few things that I am striving to implement in my life to help me with my thoughts. Maybe there is something that can encourage or help you as well. 

  • First, I start each day by expressing gratitude for at least 3 things. It really has changed my perspective and makes me a more positive person.
  • Next, I limit the amount of negativity that I allow in. This can be tricky, and boundaries are very important here. I will let those around me know when I have hit my quota, and that it is time to move on to something more positive. 
  • Third, I try to remind myself that my children are not me. Expectations that I may put on them may hold them back from meeting their potential and their purpose. This helps me work through situations and conversations with them in a more open and positive manner.
  • Lastly, I am really trying to keep a growth mindset. I want to learn through all phases of life so that I can be the best for those around me. If I think negatively about aging or my kids getting older, I hinder myself from growth. If I think about the possibilities that come with aging and having adult kids, I will want to live each day to the fullest and continue to grow and learn. 

What Are Your Tips

Do you have tips on keeping a positive mindset through life seasons? I would love to hear from you, so please leave a comment with your ideas or what you do that may help me or others who are working to control our thoughts. 

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