Why I Chose Health Coaching

Some of my story is shared in the about section on this website. Still, some may wonder, “Why would a registered nurse dive into the world of health coaching?” The short answer is prevention. 

Nursing Experience

The majority of my nursing experience was in long term care. I also worked in hospice and volunteered at camps and in women’s care. I loved caring for residents and clients but found that what I really loved was educating and encouraging others. Through my years of homeschooling, I had opportunities to teach co-op classes and lead PE. That instilled my love of helping others learn. Also, through those years, I took a number of continuing education classes to stay current and renew my nursing license. I always was drawn to courses on prevention, healthy habits, and educating others. 

Life Question

As my children got older and their needs for me changed, I started planning for my future. Would I go back to work as a nurse or dive into something new? Health Coaching appealed to me, and I knew the knowledge I had about health conditions would be beneficial. Also, the situation that I had been through with thyroid surgery taught me the importance of healthy habits and finding the right routine for me. It had been a journey that I had to navigate on my own for the most part and remember being so thankful to find books and resources that helped me on my path to healing. 


I had always been one that was active and did not really have to worry about weight. I ate pretty good, but sugar, carbs, and desserts were my downfall. However, as long as I stayed active, my weight was maintained. That does not mean that I felt great. I struggled with headaches, moodiness, anxiety, and sometimes depression. Acid reflux and GI issues had also been a struggle for me at some points in life. I always had ibuprofen with me, and my daughter reminded me just the other day about watching me take meds for acid reflux. Honestly, it’s been so long, I had forgotten! 

My Why

It has been a journey to get to where I am today. Why would I not want to help others navigate the path to feeling better, having more energy, and reducing the risk of or overcoming some health conditions. Yesterday I shared in a social media post that staying fit and eating healthy is one of the best forms of preventive medicine.  According to NASM, “A sedentary lifestyle is one of the biggest causes of developing a chronic health condition, but roughly 3 in 4 adults and more than 80 % of adolescents do not meet recommended physical activity guidelines.” The statistics to me are surprising, and I want to do all I can to help change these statistics in those around me. Children and teens learn from parents. We have an opportunity to change the statistics for the next generation by leading by example. That’s why I wanted to dive into health coaching! It does not stop there. That is also why I am working toward a certification in both personal training and nutrition and will be teaching some health and PE classes in the fall. 

Overcoming Obstacles

We live in a busy fast paced society. Taking time to invest in our health can be put on the back burner. Those are things that I understand. I also understand that not everything can be prevented. When we take time to develop a plan to invest in our health, we can increase our ability to thrive, have the energy to meet the needs of those around us, and set ourselves up to better manage health conditions if they do arise. 

Together We CAN

My goal is to provide information, resources, support, accountability, motivation, and encouragement regardless of where you are in life at this moment. From free resources to paid coaching sessions to help choosing natural supplements, I want to meet you where you are and help you thrive. You will be met with positivity and no judgement. I believe in a gentle approach with accountability and the mindset that small wins add up over time. Together change is possible; you just have to take the next step. Follow me on social media and let me know how I can help you meet your goals! 

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