Benefits of Being Still and Quiet

I was reminded this week of the need to be still and quiet. Making a practice of starting my day with a quiet time is something I strive to do. It is characterized by practicing gratitude, Bible study or reading Scripture, prayers, and scheduling my day. Some days, however, my thoughts begin to race, and I am not really being still or present in the quietness. 

Choosing Quiet

On occasions that time can even be rushed so that I can head out the door to listen to my favorite music or podcast while taking a morning walk or jog. Today, however, I decided to take the time to quiet myself. When I headed out the door for my walk, I chose quietness. What I noticed was the sights and sounds around me. The flowers blooming, birds singing, and even how my body was feeling. My mind was clearer, and I gained clarity in a decision that needed to be made. 

Worth the Time

There are many benefits of stillness for both physical and mental health. It is, however, difficult to find quietness and stillness in our fast-paced lifestyle. When we can take the time to be still and quiet, we find out that the benefits far outweigh the time we took to find that place. 

Benefits of Stillness

The benefits we gain by allowing ourselves to be quiet are increased awareness, improved clarity, stress relief, and an increased ability to process information. Stillness helps us concentrate and be present in that moment. It allows us to reflect and process because it increases our focus. Other benefits are decreased blood pressure, stimulation of brain cells, decreased cortisol, and even an improvement for those who struggle with insomnia. 

To Summarize

In summary, being still and quiet has many benefits for both physical and mental health. Even though finding the time can be difficult, it is worth the effort to block out quiet time. You will probably find that by taking the time for stillness, you will actually be more productive. 

A Tool to Help

There is a tool for those of us who need a system to help us reset our minds as well as our bodies. When Plexus released their Reset Box, I was intrigued with not only the health benefits, but the benefits that I could gain from 3 days of also resting my mind. I will leave you with a testimony. Know that I offer support during the 3-day reset to anyone who orders a reset box through me. Here is what LaTonya says about Reset-

LaTonya's Story

“This is hard for me to share because as a woman, I have struggle with my body image. Y’all know what I’m talking about….that comparison syndrome. I am proud of what I have accomplished and I only share to help someone else.
“I did it, y’all! I completed by 3 day detox and I feel great! I candidly shared with you all that my cup was empty. I was stressed, fatigue and in a dark pit. I chose to pull myself out of it by honoring my body.
For 3 days I fervently prayed, spoke affirmations, read scripture, and practiced gratitude. I did something I had never done before.
I chose to fully detox my body and mind with a tool called Reset. I invested in myself. My inflammation and bloating reduced, my stress level is down, I have energy and sleeping like a baby! I also got closer to God during this time. There is something divine about 3 days, right?😉 Thank you for your encouragement along the way! I plan to do this again soon.”

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