Consistency in Habits

When I had health problems back in 2016, my life changed. I had always tried to stay active, but I did not really have to watch what I ate. I naturally had a high metabolism, so managing my weight came fairly easy. However, I did struggle with acid reflux, digestive issues, and headaches before 2016. To me, it was just considered “normal” because I was considered healthy. 

Annual Check-Up

In 2016 I went to my annual check-up expecting everything to be fine. The first red flag for my doctor was a 10-pound weight loss in 1 year. I had been cutting back on carbs and eating more veggies, but he was still a little concerned. Then a quick check of my thyroid revealed that it was enlarged, and further testing was warranted. After testing, surgery was decided as the best course of action to remove a mass and the right side of my thyroid gland. I had a wonderful surgeon and easy recovery from the actual surgery side of things. 

Surgery and Recovery

My hormones, however, were a different story. The crazy thing was that my blood work was always normal. I, however, was struggling with temperature imbalances, heart palpitations, anxiety, mood fluctuations, and weight loss. Because I did not want to treat only the symptoms, I dove into research. 

Of course, it takes time for a body to adjust from surgery, especially the partial removal of an important gland. I knew the possibility to function normally with a partial thyroidectomy was very likely, so I had not anticipated quite the number of symptoms I was experiencing. 

Lifestyle Changes

All my research pointed to exercise, diet, supplements, sleep, and time. That is when I became dedicated to the process of implementing  a healthy lifestyle. Some may consider that lifestyle boring. I thought about that even this morning as I made my protein bowl. 

Yes, my breakfast most often is the same- eggs, toast, and fruit; a protein bowl; or a smoothie and energy bar. There are variations and I do venture out at times, but I have learned to be OK with boring. 


Exercise is a big part of my life, and I love working out. To be honest, I never get tired of walking or running. Stretching is a different story. That, to me, takes effort. I am learning, however, to embrace that as well. When it comes to resistance training, there are so many options, that does not have to be boring. We just have to be OK with the mundane routine of making it happen. 


Then we have supplements. For years I went to the same three stores to get all the supplements that helped me recover and gain control of the symptoms I experienced after surgery. Now, I have thankfully found a company where everything is delivered to my doorstep. Same supplements every day. Although there are different flavors, I take the same supplements every day. 

Why share?

Why do I share all of this? Because healthy habits can be looked at as boring… as not appealing. I found something interesting and a little comical the other day. A pastor at a church we visited was talking about being ordinary. He said his wife would even refer to him as “basic” because he could eat the same food, have the same schedule, and so forth. “Yes, that is me!” I thought. Like him, I do the same things, eat the same foods, and like the same routine. His defense to being called “basic” was that he was “supernaturally consistent.” My thoughts were, “Oh, I like that!” 

Benefits of Consistency

Consistency helped me gain my life back. I am not perfect in that consistency. It is more of a striving to maintain the same healthy habits because those habits have allowed me opportunities to truly live. Being basic gave me the opportunities to follow my children on all their endeavors… to run a half marathon…to start karate at 39…to ride roller coasters at 42… to begin a new career. The boring part of healthy habits is so worth it when it allows you to be anything but basic in the way you enjoy life!

Are you ready to embrace being “supernaturally consistent”? Together Change is Possible, and I would love the opportunity to help. Follow me on social media for healthy habit tips or contact me today to set up a free consultation to discuss how I can help you develop consistency in healthy lifestyle change. 

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