How to Overcome Extremes

We see extremes in many areas of life. Whether it comes to politics, opinions, religion, and health, people can take things in two opposite directions. 

Extremes in Health

When it comes to health the extremes can come in the form of diet, exercise, and supplements. We also see extremes in the all or nothing mentality. With that mentality, either someone wants to do it all or they will not do anything. There is, however, a middle ground! 

What is Moderation

Moderation is defined by Merriam-Webster as “an avoidance of extremes in one’s actions, beliefs, or habits.” It is the middle ground. For me personally, I have chosen moderation in life because I find it more sustainable. 

Extremes in Health and Wellness

The topic of health and wellness brings up so many opinions, ideas on the perfect workout or diet, the magic supplements, and we become overloaded with extremes. The truth is, extremes are not necessary to see progress. 

What Does Moderation Look Like

A life of moderation can help you achieve your health and wellness goals. The question may arise, “What does moderation look life?” For one, it means changing our mindset about food. In living in moderation, our fridge may not be stocked with all the organic foods. It may mean that we pick the fruits and veggies that we like and can afford. Or, it may mean eating the brownie but not going back for the second one. A well balanced plate while also enjoying the occasional food that may not be considered very healthy is also an example of moderation. Moderation will look different for each one of us depending on where we are at in life. 

Moderation in Exercise

In exercise, moderation may not mean exercising everyday for you. Instead, it may mean spreading out strength and cardio over 3-5 days per week. The workouts may consist of walking, jogging, cycling, core exercises, balance, and body weight or light weight training. You can gain results with moderation and consistency. 

Reasons to Choose Moderation

Why is moderation important to me? The answer is because I have seen so many get frustrated, overwhelmed, and give up over extreme workouts and diets. I am not saying that it is bad for everyone. Some people thrive and can sustain the workouts and diets. What I am saying is that for the majority of people, we will function better, find our goals are more attainable, and be able to sustain a life of moderation in healthy habits. 

Tips for a Life of Moderation

In closing, I want to leave you with five tips to consider if a life of moderation appeals to you. 

  1. Decide Your Main Health Goal. Having too many goals at one time will lead to overwhelm and can end up paralyzing our efforts. Choose 1 main goal and break it down into achievable steps. 
  2. Put Together A Plan. Start small with your plan and build upon each small step. Celebrate the wins along the way. 
  3. Consistency is Key. Be consistent in the small steps. This is easier if we do not bite off more than we can chew. Choose the steps in #2 that you are able to be consistent with. 
  4. Be OK with the Mundane. I realize we get tired of the same thing, but in the boring and mundane is where results are made. We can spice up workouts here and there or try the new recipes of certain diets, but choose the things that overall you will be consistent with. 
  5. Know That Results Will Take Time. More time is generally needed when moderation and consistency are chosen over extremes. HOWEVER, the results when we choose consistency and moderation are results that normally last BECAUSE we have chosen a sustainable lifestyle. 

Are you overwhelmed with all the information out there? Are you struggling with knowing where to start? I would love the opportunity to be your coach. To work with you to decide what habits are right for your lifestyle and will help you achieve your goals. You can download my free e-book as a starting point, but I am also available for online coaching. Please contact me if you would like to learn more.

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