Have you ever had a situation arise that made you question who you are? Maybe it was something someone said to you or did to you. Maybe it was something you were accused of. Whatever the case, the circumstances unglued you and made you doubt yourself.

Questioning and Self- Doubt
I am sure all of us have probably had situations like that arise in life. Sometimes we do need to reflect, but sometimes accusations, actions, or comments are thrown at us that are unwarranted. If we are not confident in who we are, those situations can cause harm if we allow them.
The harm these situations can cause are self-doubt, an improper view of ourselves, lack of confidence, and even feeling yuckiness and unworthiness.
What Were My Intentions?
We are humans and sometimes mistakes will be made. A big question to ask ourselves if we start feeling questions about ourselves arise is, “What were my intentions?” Working through that question can help us in leaving behind feelings of self-doubt and unworthiness.
The Risks of Self- Doubt
I am a health and fitness coach, so you may be curious why I am posting on confidence and questioning ourselves. The truth is, when questioning ourselves leads to self- doubt and unworthiness, it affects how we take care of ourselves. It affects our mental and physical state. Confidence in who we are is important for both physical and mental health.
Who Are We? Here is the Truth
So, who are we? As a Christain, I choose to believe what God says about me. Here are things that I believe about us as humans that have boosted my confidence and help me ward off self-doubt and feelings of unworthiness-
- We are special. Genesis 1:26 says that we are made in the image of God. The Creator of the universe formed and fashioned us in His image.
- We are favored and the apple of God’s eye. Have you ever considered yourself favored? For most of us, the answer is probably no. However, Psalm 17:8 says, “Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings.”
- We are chosen and loved. Not only were we made in the image of God, He loved us enough to come to earth, suffer, and die. I do not know about you, but for me, that truly tells me how valued I am.
- We are not bound by mistakes or sin. We are human, so yes, we are going to make mistakes. However, those mistakes do not define us. We are forgiven by the God who loves us, so we should also forgive ourselves.
- We can stand on truth and not believe lies that the enemy would have us believe to destroy us. In Scripture we are constantly reminded of the importance of our thoughts. It is important that we focus on truth.
Who are we? We are who God says that we are. When you start feeling doubt and unworthiness creep in remind yourself of the truths listed above. If you need daily encouragement, follow me on social media @sustainabletransformationhc for daily affirmations, quotes, prayers, and health tips. Do not fall for the lies!