Embracing Beauty in Moments of Quiet Times

Isaiah 30:15 says, “For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, In returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength.”

Is Anything Happening?

Some people thrive in the hustle and bustle. I am not one of those people. My energy is restored in quietness. However, even for me in the quietness, especially during seasons of waiting, it feels as though nothing is happening.

God is Still Working

Those seasons can be hard, particularly for those of us who like to see results… NOW! I love the following quote from Kelly Minter, “When it seems like nothing is happening, God is still working, perhaps most deeply on our faith.”


We need to remember that even in the quiet, God is still working. He gives us so many promises. Even though we cannot always understand His ways or know what He is preparing us for, He gives us insight that this is where we find salvation and strength.

There is Beauty Here

Some of the beauty that we can find in quiet places is restoration, renewal, salvation, and strength. If you are in a quiet season today, I pray that God’s promises encourage you and that you grasp the strength that He is giving you to keep moving forward.

Suggested Stretches and Exercises
  • Seated alternating chin to chest and looking up toward the sky
  • Turn your head slowly from side to side
  • Shoulder shrugs
  • Seated Cat and Cow
  • Kneeling Heart Openers
  • Transition to a low lunge (Hold for 30 sec. on each side)
  • Come to a standing position and take a few deep breaths
  • Fold at the waist letting your arms and upper body hang loosely in a forward fold. Knees can be bent.
  • Roll up slowly and go into marching in place (1 min)
  • Knee lifts (1 min)
  • Butt Kicks (1 min)
  • 3-Point Balance (Balance on one foot while tapping forward, to the side, and to the back with the other foot. Alternate on both sides)
  • Again walk in place
  • Chair pose or wall Squat (try to hold for at least 30 sec.)
  • Transition to the mat
  • Dead Bug 
  • Glute Bridge
  • Figure 4 Stretch
  • Piriformis Stretch
  • Shavasana
Suggested Worship Songs
  • Quiet- Acousitc- Hillside Recording, Diana Trout
  • Wait on You- Hillside Recording, Diana Trout
  • Steady Light- LO Worship
  • Your Promises- Elevation Worship
  • This is the Air I Breathe- Elevation Music, Kathryn Scott
  • We Fall Down/ Angus Dei Melody- The Maker & Instrument, Chris Tomlin

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