I think all of us probably agree that love is a beautiful thing. 1 John 4:16 states, “So we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.”

A Deep Love
We are shown throughout Scripture the love that God has for us. A love so deep that His Son was willing to die so that we might have life and hope. The love the Father has for us is a perfect love that is unconditional. This is such a hard concept for us to understand.
The Beauty
Emotions, feelings, and circumstances can stand in the way of our love for others. However, nothing separates us from the love of Christ. Relishing in that is beautiful. Allowing His love to be evident in us is beautiful. Allowing the truth of His love to impact our daily lives is a beautiful thing.
Let's Praise Him
You are loved with a love that is so vast we cannot comprehend it. Don’t you think that with that kind of love, the Father also wants you to know your worth? He chose to love you because He knows your worth and has a plan for you. Today, let’s praise Him for His love while we take care of this body He gave us so that we can be ready and able to fulfill the purpose He has for us.
Praise Music Suggestions
If you like the worship songs to go along with your workout, here are a few songs on God’s love.
- Good Day- Forrest Frank
- Your Love Awakens Me- Phil Wickham
- Love Came Down – Bethel Music, Brian Johnson
- The Love of the Father- City Alight
- Amadeo (Still My God)- Ryan Stevenson
- King of Love- I AM THEY
- Perfectly Love- Racheal Lampa, TobyMac

Workout Idea
In the past few weeks, we have focused on stretches and core exercises. Today’s workout suggestion is a little different. This session is a metabolic resistance training focus. This type of workout is great for burning calories and building muscle.
First warm up your body by marching in place, going for a walk, or doing some light stretches. After you warm up, do a round of the following exercises. Take a 2 minute break and then go for another round or 2 depending on your fitness level.
- Jumping Jacks- regular or low impact (30 seconds with a 15 second rest)
- Squats (30 seconds with a 15 second rest)
- Push- ups (30 seconds with a 15 second rest)
- Bird Dogs (30 seconds with 15 second rest)
- Russian Twists (30 seconds with 15 second rest)
- Lunges (30 seconds with 15 second rest)
- Make sure to take time to cool down by going for a walk and/or stretching after these exercises.
I hope that you were encouraged by the devotion and feel uplifted and energized through the music and exercises.