Choice Made but Not by Me

I love a peppermint milkshake! It is one of my weaknesses, and you can bet at some point during the holidays I will be enjoying at least one (maybe more).  I’m not sure what it is about the combination of chocolate, peppermint, ice cream, peppermint chunks, and bits of chocolate, but I consider it divine. 


Last week I had a day that was emotionally tough. There were things that happened that were out of my control. People that I care about were going through hard things. There were situations in my own family that were difficult.  I was under stress and was physically and mentally tired. Those are normally the moments when it is easy to derail.  It’s easy to either get caught up in emotional eating or not eat at all. 

There are times I have gone the not eating route due to stress. However, most of my issues come with emotional eating. Can you relate? Carbs, sweets, and things that are not good for me appeal to me. I am not prone to run for the carrots, celery, or grapes at those moments. 


There is a reason our bodies crave the carbs and sweeter foods in moments of stress. It goes back to survival instincts and the need for energy in a fight or flight situation. That is how our bodies are programmed to keep us alive. The issue is that the stress we face in day-to-day life today is not generally life or death. Therefore, we do not need the short bursts of energy that those type cravings provide. The stress we are under today is more of a long-term stress that requires learning coping strategies. Running to the comfort food usually only makes the stress worse in the long run. 

When I was under stress and experiencing all the emotions last week, I was craving sweets. I have done well in trying to avoid emotional eating, but that day was getting the best of me. My resolve was wearing thin, and I told my husband I wanted a Chick-fil-a peppermint milkshake for supper. It would be my splurge. We headed out to get my milkshake, and I was really looking forward to it! Of course, we get to the restaurant and no peppermint milkshakes were available that night! REALLY! 

Plan B

We quickly decided to go with plan B. Grilled fish and veggies. Not really what my mind was set on, but it really was the best choice for my body that evening. In the end, I was grateful that the restaurant was out of the peppermint milkshake. That was not what my body needed that evening. What it needed, it ended up getting…protein and nutritious vegetables. Those were the foods that would help in decreasing my stress levels and help my body recover from the stress it had experienced. 


Yes, I do still intend to get my peppermint milkshake. It will just be on a day that I plan to splurge and can savor the moment instead of drowning my feelings. Making choices that are best for our bodies and minds can be difficult sometimes. This time, the restaurant made the choice for me, and after fussing for a bit, I turned grateful. 

Booking Provided by Healthie

1 Comment

  1. Keep working ,fantastic job!

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