Intentional Choices to Healthy Habits

At the beginning of the year, I wrote a post about my word of the year. That word is “intentional.” My goal this year is to be intentional in my actions. Being intentional means making a deliberate choice and effort that will propel you toward what you want to achieve or accomplish.  

Not Feeling It

Yesterday, I did not feel like getting back to work. I had experienced a wonderful weekend with family and a much-needed break from the daily tasks. So, I just was not feeling work. I was able to move past my feelings and be intentional in my work, even attending a training webinar that evening. However, believe it or not, I was not motivated to exercise at all!

Thoughts and Feelings

I have been reading a book titled Dear Work by Sara Ross. As I worked through my thoughts on trying to justify not exercising, something from that book came to mind. We are not always going to feel like doing the things that are good for our minds or our bodies. In those moments, it will help if we can focus on the outcome.

Focus on the Outcome

I just wanted to sit on the couch and relax at 7:30 P.M. last night.  My mind and my body were tired after a week of not enough sleep and (confession) too much holiday food indulgence. As I contemplated, I began to think about how I would feel if I did go for just a short walk. I knew that walk would clear my mind, increase my energy, relax my mind and my body, assist in digestion, allow for deep breaths of fresh air, and improve my sleep later that night.

Put on the Shoes

With that in mind, I put my shoes on and headed out the door with music streaming through my ear buds. When I finished my walk, I did experience everything that I knew would happen because of exercise. I had to be intentional about making that walk happen, and if I had listened to my feelings, I would have missed out on all the benefits. Taking the walk last night prepared my body to start another day strong. Had I listened to how I felt, I would not have started the next day on as much of a positive note.

Intentionally Meeting Goals

Being intentional does not always feel good in the moment. We are human, and how we feel about things influences our actions. If we can train ourselves to reframe the way we think into a more positive light, the benefits can be rewarding. Building healthy habits requires intentionality. We must know what our goals are and why we want to achieve those goals. Knowing our what and why can give us the perseverance and discipline to be intentional in making the decisions that will help us be successful in meeting our goals.


Want to Work Together?

Do you have goals that are on your mind, but you are feeling stuck and may not know where to start? If so, I would love to walk beside you and support you in figuring out your first step toward meeting your health and wellness goals. I will offer support, encouragement, accountability, information, and resources to help you come up with an individualized plan that will work for you and your lifestyle. Please send me a message so we can schedule your free consultation call!

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