Putting Off Old Thoughts and Putting on the New

“Your current thinking creates your current life.” I heard this statement in a training session back in January. It is a statement that I have contemplated since. After attending many different training sessions, listening to and learning from others, and studying about mindset, I see the truth in this statement. Our thoughts are so powerful!

Our Thoughts

There are many counselors, mindset coaches, and life coaches that can dive into greater detail on the effects of our thoughts. In fact, you may be wondering why a health coach puts so much emphasis on our minds and thoughts. My reason for touching on this topic is because thoughts can impact health and health related goals. How you view yourself, your ability, and the way you think about health will dictate the actions that are taken. 


Consider how you view yourself. Many may battle negative images about themselves. Some may not view themselves as worthy of the time it takes to instill healthy habits. Time is limited for busy women trying to take care of everyone and everything else. It is easy for us to fall into thinking that we are not a priority. Some may hate their bodies and think, “Why even care anymore?” There are many more thoughts that can impact actions. I will save those for you to dive into with a professional if that is something that you struggle with. The point here is that any of these thoughts can lead to a path of putting oneself on the back burner.  We will not make time to exercise, eat healthy meals, or even get enough sleep if we do not view ourselves as worthy or a priority. 

Flip the Script

Flipping the script in our minds can have such an impact on actions. Now, consider seeing yourself as worthy and enough. Yes, you are needed by those around you, BUT you too, are human and have needs. It is possible to take care of those around you while also taking care of yourself. The key is avoiding the idea of perfection. That is another area that deals with thoughts. It is easy to become concerned with what others think about us or the idea that if it cannot be done perfectly, why try at all. However, when we can flip the script and see ourselves as worthy, enough, loved, and cared about, we are more prone to do the things that are going to make us healthier. 

Training our Thoughts

The reality is that when we do take time to instill healthy habits into our lives, those habits help us be more available to others. The reason is because they provide so many benefits for both our physical and mental health. Our thoughts have to be trained just like our muscles and taste buds have to be trained. Everything really is interconnected. 


Maybe today you need to be encouraged that you have a purpose and are worthy of care. You are loved and resilient. You are enough. Do not give in to negative thoughts or lies. And certainly, do not give in to taking on other people’s perceptions of you. You are not defined by what others think about you. I was the mom that exercised at the park and the ballfield. It actually was a great place to work out once you get pass worrying about what others may be thinking. No, I did not look perfect and yes, I got sweaty. It was what I had to do in that time period to take care of myself, and it served in making me stronger today. By the way, if you are local and need a workout partner at the park or ballfield while your child practices, I am here for you. It does help when there is a group! Just remember, take those thoughts captive and speak positivity and truth to yourself to benefit both your mind and your body. 

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