7 Ways Practicing Gratitude Improves Life

Many people think about gratitude and giving thanks in the month of November and especially during Thanksgiving week. But what about the rest of the year? Gratitude journaling has proven benefits for both our minds and our bodies. 

Why Gratitude?

If you have followed me for very long, you know that gratitude is a frequently visited topic. You may ask, Why is she so passionate about gratitude?” The simple answer is that it makes a difference, and it changed my life. 

Story of Change

Many people did not realize this at the time, but years ago I was in a place of depression. I could not figure out the reason…My marriage was good. We had a lovely home. I was able to homeschool my two children. My family was amazing. However, there was a deep sadness that I could not explain. During that time, I was introduced to the idea of gratitude journaling and the writings of Ann Voskamp. I started counting gifts… at least 3 things every day. Some days it was the sunrise and some days it was a kind deed. Other days it was the medication for a sick child and the spoon that I was stirring the soup with. Everyday I kept counting and writing down my lists of things I was thankful for. What I discovered was that my perspective began to change. I started looking for gifts and the good. It was even making me happier. 


It was not until years later that I realized all the scientific research on gratitude journaling and its proven benefits. So, what are these benefits? 

  1. Decreased Stress and Anxiety. Practicing gratitude has been shown to lower the amount of stress hormone thereby reducing stress. 
  2. Improved Happiness. Studies have shown that writing down 3 things each day for which you are thankful can increase happiness by 10%.
  3. Improved Sleep. With gratitude journaling, our perspective changes to dwelling on happier thoughts. This is a positive benefit for our nervous system and may help improve sleep.
  4. Decreased Depression. With the lowered amount of stress hormones, better sleep, and improved happiness comes lower depression. All these changes help with hormone regulation as well that can affect depression. 
  5. Improved Optimism. I have already mentioned that counting gift changed my perspective. In focusing on the good, negative thoughts are more quickly reframed into positive which can improve optimism. 
  6. Increased Performance. All the benefits of practicing gratitude go hand in hand. If we are happier, less stressed, and more optimistic, it makes sense that we will be more productive in our work. 
  7. Overall Improved Life Satisfaction . It is not surprising with all the other benefits that we would be more satisfied in life with the practice of counting gifts. 

Favorite Quotes

With all the positive benefits of taking a few minutes each day to jot down 3 things we are thankful for, it certainly seems worthwhile. Do you practice gratitude journaling? In closing, here are a few of my favorite quotes on gratitude. 

“This writing it down- it is sort of like…wrapping love.” – Ann Voskamp

“Gratitude bestows reverence, allowing us to encounter everyday epiphanies, those transcendent moments of awe that change forever how we experience life and the world.” – Sarah Ban Breathnach

“Gratitude can transform common days into thanksgiving, turn routine jobs into joy, and change ordinary opportunities into blessings.” – William Arthur Ward

Happy Thanksgiving and may counting gifts last throughout your year! Blessings to you!

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