How to Overcome Feeling Less Than

Do you ever feel “less than” or like you do not measure up? We live in a society that is full of opinions on beauty and health amidst tons of other subjects. It is so easy to get caught up in comparing ourselves with one another and allow negative self-talk to creep in. Today, I want to remind you of 5 truths that can be used to reframe our thinking when negative self-talk decides to visit our thoughts. 

You Are Special

If you are familiar with Scripture, you probably have heard Genesis 1:27. It says, “So God created man in his image, in the image of God he created him.” For no other creature does it indicate that they were created in the image of God. This shows us that we, as humans, are special. Notice that it does not say just some, it means EVERYONE…not just those who look a certain way or do a particular thing. EVERYONE is special!

You Have a Purpose

Each person has different gifts and talents. That is because each one of us has a different purpose. We are not all meant to look the same or have the same talents and ideas. We are different so that each person can accomplish their unique purpose. 

You Matter

This truth goes along with the other two. You matter because you are special and have a unique purpose. There are things in this world that only you can do and people that only your words or story will touch. How encouraging to know that we really do matter!

It is OK if Life is Messy

Our society seeks perfection in both looks and lifestyle. There is an underlying desire to be perfect. However, the fact remains that we are human and life is not perfect. It gets messy, and we are made to feel that it is not OK. We do not have to have everything figured out. We just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other to keep moving forward. 

Imperfect Progress is Still Progress

As we keep taking the next right step, climbing over the mountains, or falling down and picking ourselves back up, we make progress. Progress that will lead us to that next purpose or goal. Yes, we might feel as though we are going through a whole lot of twists and turns, but progress is being achieved as long as we keep trying. 

Closing Thoughts

Friends, remember these facts when your mind takes you to a negative spot. You are special, have a purpose, and matter. It is OK when life is different and messy, but do not give up because imperfect progress is still progress. Flip the script in your mind and keep going!

Are you struggling with your thought life? I am not a mental health professional, but there are resources available HERE. Our minds and bodies are interconnected, and healthy habits can help us in our thought life as well. If you have health and wellness goals that you could use support to reach, I would love to be your coach. You can schedule a consultation call on my scheduling page or by contacting me through email or social media. Stay up to date on everything by following me on social media or signing up for my newsletter. 

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