Sustainable Transformation Health Coaching
Together Change is Possible
Sustainable Transformation Health Coaching
Together Change is Possible
Sustainable Transformation Health Coaching
Together Change is Possible
As you can tell from many of my posts, I firmly believe in positive mindset. Controlling my thoughts, however, is not always an easy task.
As my thoughts continued, I considered how my life might look if I took the approach of having an unoffendable heart.
The word stress brings up many different ideas and thoughts. Just hearing the word may bring up negative emotions in some
If we allow ourselves to be curious about the opinions of others and consider their point, we may learn from them. This is a concept known as growth mindset.
A memory from last year popped up on my personal Facebook timeline yesterday. As I read the memory, the feelings of the moment came flooding back.
Did you know that many people struggle with depression in January, and it is considered the most depressing month?
January certainly seems to be flying by. That does seem to be the way things go.
Here we are at the end of another year. I like to spend time in reflection before the beginning of the new year. Some questions that I consider are, “What was good this year…
Setbacks in life are inevitable. We move forward and BAM, that progression forward hits a wall. Progress is stopped in its tracks.
There are times I have gone the not eating route due to stress, but most of my issues come with emotional eating. Can you relate?